Thursday, February 22, 2018

Silent noises

My kids have a book called "Night Noises" . It's about a little boy who lays awake in bed at night and tries to figure out the sources of the different sounds he hears ....

This morning when I woke up, a myriad of sounds came to my ears .

The top on the list are the birds from the trees near my apartment . The cuckoo bird and it's winged friends announce to the world that the sun's rays are almost there . Blessed are they for they don't have mobile phones that make people lie awake; as they read post after post of the ill-effects of not sleeping on time , like them and share tgem with their sleep deprived counterparts all over the world;it's an ironical world.

The cars on the road make rhythmic sounds as they speed along one after the other . This noise is different based on the weather ....if it's after a rainy night the splish and splash of the water can be heard too! Oh yes there is that guy who simply cannot go slow, even if his rush cruelly disturbs the calmness of dawn and is adamant  to spread the noise of his blaring horn !

Sometimes there is a gentle breeze outside and I can hear the moving leaves;. the twig that decides to free itself from the bondage of the tree and fall down; sometimes the rain drops that slide like an excited kid to the tip of the leaves and start their journey to kiss the earth!

In a few minutes the alarm on my phone starts ringing . The phone is on vibration and does a jiggle on my bedside table . We have a small musical clock that my husband had purchased in Europe . That starts chiming too . These three sounds compete with each other in piercing through the morning silence and to push me out of my bed .

My eyes and muscles battle with the inner push to rush and wake up my son and get ready for school .

On a week day the push mostly wins and there we are running and running...there is a war between
 patience and annoyance ....
calm utterings and tensed yells....

the silent noises slowly give way to the chaos ....