Sunday, July 7, 2019

GG-M-P-D mantra ....repeat GGMPD

Most Indians must be familiar with "Maata Pitaa Guru Dheivam" the order of prominence amongst those to be revered . Above everything else is the mother , then the father followed by the teacher and lastly the Almighty(Dheivam)!
We live in times when we have changed this MPGD order to GG-M-P-D!

Google Guru - Maata - Pitaa - Dheivam

Since we have Google, we take out the Guru and of course coming to Dheivam - that is there in the list as a honorary mention ... These days WhatsApp seems to have more piety than temples and with Google Guru we hardly have any other spare time for anything else .

I cannot recall any day of my life where I have not googled ( oh Yes! That's an accepted verb now) anything except maybe for the pre internet ignorant blissful era!

This morning I had to go to a particular place let's call it  Destination D.

Except for Time travel, Google maps seems to be the answer for every other form of commute!
And so I queried - "Google maps!how to go there ?"

Option 1 :

Take bus from home to MRT(Metro Rail Station) A - 5 min
Take train from MRT A to MRT B 20 min
Take another bus from MRT B  to Destination D 20 min

Total  : 45 min

Option 2 :

Walk to MRT A - 20 min
Take train from MRT A to MRT B - 20 min
Take another train from MRT B to Destination - 5 min

Total 45 min

And no other options!!!!

If I combine the two and take the bus to MRT A instead of walking, and then take two trains, it would require only 30 mins. But Google did not suggest that!

It is suggesting that if the last phase of my journey is a shorter comfortable train one, I better walk the walk ... Either stand for 15 min or walk for 20 min. Nothing less! Don't you dare take the shorter one with minimal physical effort !

"Go on! Burn those calories you built up ! I am aware of your pizza nearby search yesterday" says Google!

Who else but an affectionate loving teacher would be so concerned about my health and overall well being ...

Way to go Google baba ! We are blessed !

Now repeat after me!

Google Guru - Maata - Pitaa - Dheivam!!